Alma Dunn (née Slater)
December 28, 2020

So sorry to hear of Alma’s passing. She was the sweetest lady and I enjoyed working with her in the office at Canadian Tire in Fergus for a few years. I’ll never forget her funny sayings, interesting stories, lovely accent, and how much she cared for everyone. Condolences to the entire family.
— Heather van Grootheest, January 12, 2021I am so saddened to hear of the passing of Alma. She was such a lovely lady. I feel privileged to have called her my friend. My deepest heartfelt sympathies to her family.
— Denise Mulloy, January 4, 2021The Packer’s extend our deepest sympathy to Alma’s family on her passing. She was a longtime and very dear friend of our late mother Marjorie. They were both beautiful women in every way. Sincerely, Rick, Ron, Cindy, Wendy and families.
— Rick Packer, December 31, 2020The Packer’s extend our deepest sympathy to Alma’s family on her passing. She was a longtime and very dear friend of our late mother Marjorie. They were both beautiful women in every way. Sincerely, Rick, Ron, Cindy, Wendy and families.
— Rick Packer, December 31, 2020The Packer’s extend our deepest sympathy to Alma’s family on her passing. She was a longtime and very dear friend of our late mother Marjorie. They were both beautiful women in every way. Sincerely, Rick, Ron, Cindy, Wendy and families.
— Rick Packer, December 31, 2020Sincere sympathy to the Dunn Family on the passing of Alma. Alma was such a loving, caring person. Her Family meant so much to her. I always looked forward to "visiting" with Alma, Norm and her Grandchildren, Brittany and Devon at the Christmas Eve service. Alma has left wonderful memories for anyone who knew her. Marlyn & Rowland Howard
— Marlyn Howard, December 31, 2020To the Dunn family - so sorry to hear about this - our sincere condolences. We were just driving through the old Oakview neighbourhood yesterday reflecting on our time there. Norm and Alma were great neighbours! all the best Jim and Mary Lou Fairles.
— Jim and Mary Lou Fairles, December 31, 2020Dear Karen and Tracey. So sorry to hear about the loss of your Mom. She was a very special lady. My condolences to everyone in the family Wendy Bradley
— Wendy Bradley, December 31, 2020So sorry to learn. We took many lunches and shared 'caregiver' and Liverpool stories after meeting through the Alzheimer Society. One of a kind was 'our Alma'
— Elizabeth Myers, December 31, 2020Your Mom was such a lovely lady. When she came into IDA in Mount Forest she was always so thankful when I helped her, and polite. I always liked serving her. I feel your loss as I lost my Mom in April. My deepest condolences.
— Sue zonneveld, December 31, 2020I am so sorry to hear of Alma's passing. I enjoyed meeting and getting to know her. My thoughts are with her family.
— Stephanie Warner, December 30, 2020Dear Alma's family, We are saddened to read of your Mum/Mum-in-law/Grandma & Great Grandma's passing. A bubblier lady there never was! We feel blessed to have known her. May you feel the Lord's loving arm around you at this sad time. Sheryl & Bryan (St. Paul's Anglican)
— Sheryl & Bryan Elliston, December 30, 2020