Richard Wells
December 25, 2007

Dear Pumkin, It has been over a month now since you left us and very hard not have you near me to hold but i will always cheerish every moment that we had as a family it is very hard not to have a outstanding person in my life.love lisa
— Lisa Wells, February 8, 2008Well, Richard John Anthony (yes, it's your Godmother talking)I was so happy in 1964 in Bradford, Yorkshire when your Mum and Dad asked me to be your Godmother. I was only 21 years old and you were my first godchild. (Uncle Peter was already Godfather to big brother Andrew.)So much water passed under the bridge since then but through it all you were always optimistic, always with a big grin on your face. A big kid really, a big teddy bear! Such an entertainer: you were great at keeping your cousins occupied when Suzanne and Stephen spent summers at Shallford. Pool games, puzzles, card games, magic tricks (I seem to remember one with a banana!) The dreaded Monopoly (why did you ALWAYS seem to have so many properties on every square?) And then the best trick of all - the ability to solve Rubik's Cube behind your back in seconds!! How you enjoyed camping, fishing, scouting. What a tribute to you that so many people, in addition to family, turned up at the Funeral Home. So many friends, neighbours, Canada Post employees, people whom you had befriended at A &W, and scouts and more scouts. All with fond memories of you. How we all miss you. Lisa spoke so well at the funeral. Rochelle, of course, didn't want to say Goodbye. They were very brave about it and Uncle Peter and I will do our best to keep an eye on them. I'm sure you will be watching over Rochelle as she starts College and begins a career I'm sure she will love. No doubt you will often be out fishing with Johnathan and soon be celebrating his 21st Birthday. Thanks for being you, so sorry you had to leave us too soon. Now you are healed and painfree,may you rest in peace. Love, Auntie Margaret
— Margaret Wells, January 4, 2008Rochelle & Family. Im sorry to hear of the lost of your father. I know of the pain that comes with the death of someone that was so close to you. Im not sure of the cause of his passing, but if he was in any pain, he is now in a better place free of that burden. My smypathy is with your family at this time. May he rest in peace. -Sarah Quantz
— Sarah Quantz, January 3, 2008Dear Rochelle&Family We are sorry to hear of the passing of your Dad.Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time.May God comfort you and help you through this tough time. Your Friends Karla&Joshua Henshaw
— Karla&Joshua Henshaw, January 2, 2008Deepest sympathies and warmest condolences on the loss of such a special and caring young man, to a lovely and wonderful family.
— , January 1, 2010Rchard will always be remembered by my son Steve and I and a number of 4th Malton members, as an enthusiastic, fun loving, and giving person. From meetings, to camps, to hikes, and euchre games, it would not have been the same without him. Thank you Richard for giving me the help I needed to make those cub camps the great success they were. Our thoughts are with the family. Gil and Gail
— Callingham's, December 31, 2007Dear Pat, AnnaMarie informed me of the passing of your son and I wanted to take a moment to express my condolences at your loss. Such shocking and sad news during this most holy of times.Please extend condolences to your family. Sonia Bukata
— Sonia Bukata, December 31, 2007Dear Pat, AnnaMarie informed me of the early passing of your son and I wanted to extend my cndolences to you and your family. This must have been shocking and very sad for you, especially during such a joyful time of year. I am so sorry for your loss. Sonia
— Sonia Bukata, December 31, 2007Lisa & Rochelle I looked for that star when I arrived home, but I didn't see it! It was just after 7:00pm, I think that he may have been at a 1st Heaven Troop meeting, so I will check later. You know that I will always be there for you, Love, Uncle Keith
— Uncle Keith, December 29, 2007We are so sorry for your loss. I have so many fond memories of Rick. Jumping in the pool on his shoulders. An exploding mustard bottle when he squeezed it too hard and forgot to undo the cap. We called him "mustard man" that day. A magic show he put on for all the kids when we were little. The magic changing colour water trick was great! Rick always had to do all our puzzles when over at the house. Ah, good memories, and good times. Rick, I'll miss you. My families thoughts are with you all.
— Steve, Kelly and Abby Wells, December 29, 2007Lisa and Rochelle. Always remember the good times. He was a good son and a good scout, gone home to a better place. We will always be there for you. God bless you both.
— Dad and Barbara, December 29, 2007You are all in our prayers. Brandon and Holly loved their Uncle Rick and have talked about him today. It is a very difficult time but good memories of Rick will sustain you.
— , January 1, 2010Richard will always be remembered by me for his inspiration of others to put their best foot forward and strive for excellence. With tremendous support of family, he was a caring person who was committed in heart and soul to helping others. His mettle in this life to make a positive imprint on others is precious and ..... a trait not so commonly found. For this he will be ever lasting in spirit and memory of all those he touched. Thank you Richard ... may peace be with you.
— , January 1, 2010My dear Pat, my heart aches for you and for your dear son's wife and family. Just know that you're in my thoughts and prayers as you find your way through this very difficult time. Love, Gillian
— Gillian Cantrell, December 28, 2007Lisa and Rochelle, It is with great sadness that I give this donation as it means that Richard is no longer with us physically, but will always be in our hearts. I hope you both know how proud he was of you both and would just light up when talking about his family. All the best during these hard time, but I know you will be brave down this road together. Best wishes, Elaine Mickelown
— , January 1, 2010Sorry sis & rochelle that we are not able to be there. rochelle your dad is a wonderful man but not a good moose hunter. Lisa i know words cannot make that pain go away but they can help . We all are thinking of you and lots of love.
— , January 1, 2010Sorry sis i could not be there when you need someone the most. Due to distance and weather. Richard was a wonderful husband and dad. Everyone is in our heart and prays.
— karen genge, December 28, 2007Rochelle, I was very sorry to hear of your dad's passing. We all loved his smile and his jokes. I'm going to miss how he always came in to A&W and made us laugh even when it had been a not so good night. Your in my thoughts and prayers constantly. Love, Ashley
— Ashley McGuire, December 28, 2007Our thoughts are with you in your time of sorrow.
— , January 1, 2010Lisa you have always been like a daughter to me and always will be. As we struggle through this hard time together, know that I will always be there for you and Rochelle. Love always Mum
— Patricia Wells, December 27, 2007We wish we could be there to offer our support. We are sending all of you our love and prayers.
— Colleen Edwards and Family, December 27, 2007Dear Lisa and Rochelle, I was so sorry to hear of Rick's passing from Barb. I know I didn't really know all of you that well but that didn't stop you from inviting me into your home for Christmas last year. I am sorry that this has happened just a year later, Rick was a good man and a good friend to those who knew him. Real
— Real LeGros, December 27, 2007I am truly sorry to hear of Ricks passing.I knew Rick through our work.I wish to extend my deepest sympathy to his family.
— , January 1, 2010The Staff of A&W Mount Forest would like to send our deepest condolences for your loss. Although we knew Richard in different ways, the staff here all will remember his warm smile. Whatever we can do to help, don't hesitate to impose. Take Good Care Mount Forest Staff
— , January 1, 2010Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. The memory of Richard is with us, always.
— Andre & Karen Kuhnel, December 27, 2007Please except my deepest sympathy at this terrible time. My prayers are with you all. Rochelle if you need anything just call. Your friend Flo
— Florence Sprague, December 27, 2007Our love and prayers are with both of you at this time during this time of sadness. Our hopes are for you both to continue Richard's jest for life and selfless giving to other.
— , January 1, 201043 years young and so much left to give. So many memories, particularly of when we were kids – summers spent in the backyard pool at Shallford Road, rainy summer afternoons playing Monopoly (which you always won!), butterfly buns and oatmeal cookies with Grandma Townson, time spent at Mar-jon Marina with Uncle Keith. Later on we had the wonderful addition of Lisa to the Wells family, followed by our few short years with Johnathon and the birth of my beautiful god daughter, Rochelle. You were taken from us far too early. Trust that we will take care of Lisa and Rochelle and we know that you will watch over them too.
— Suzanne Webb (Wells), December 27, 2007Lisa, Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Rochelle. Take comfort that Richard is with Johnathon and that they will both be watching over you and Rochelle. With much love, Suzanne & Scott
— Suzanne Webb (Wells), December 27, 2007Tom, Phoebe and I will truly miss Richard. We have not known him for a long time but he sure did make a wonderful impression on us. We are here for you if and when you need us!
— Thomas, Marion & Phoebe Donnelly, December 27, 2007Dear Wells Family I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I met Richard when he was a young boy as I was/am a friend of his mom's. My heart is with you all at this time.
— , January 1, 2010Dearest Richard, I hope a beautiful white dove is welcoming you to your new home. With love and hugs from Anna Marie (Blanche)and Family
— , January 1, 2010Rochelle, Through the difficult days ahead, remember that your Dad is smiling down at you and he is so proud of the young woman you’ve become. Your Dad touched many people and his laughter, his great sense of humour and zest for life will be missed by all of us. Remember that we are all here for you and love you very much. With much love, Suzanne & Scott
— Suzanne Webb (Wells), December 27, 2007May God wrap His loving arms around each and every member of Richard's family so that His comfort and strength may be felt by all in your time of sorrow. May the memories you share sustain you in the days to come.
— John & Dianne McDonald & Family, December 27, 2007My beloved family and friends I can'thank you for your thoughts and prayers and Rochelle and I will cheerish every moment that we had some day we will all walk together.Lisa
— Lisa Wells, December 27, 2007Please accept our condolences on your loss, Richard was a very likable and fun loving person who will be missed by all. Paul & Jacky Jones
— Paul & Jacky Jones, December 27, 2007Mom, Lynn and Family- You are in my thoughts and prayers as you grieve your loss at this time. I am thinking of you and your families. I know that Richard is probably up there holding his baby boy Jonathon. I will see you Friday!
— Laura Klazinga, December 26, 2007Why do the good always go first? My thoughts are with you Lisa and Rochelle. You dad has taught me so much in life that I will never forget. He will be greatly missed by all.
— Chris, Zachary and Michael Fleet, December 26, 2007Well it has been a little over a month now, probably the hardest month of my life. I think of you daily dad and wish that one day i could wake up and see your face again. i know now that it will never happen, but one day i hope it will. I wish i could have said more to you before you left so abruptly but i hope you know that i loved you so much, even if all those times you drove me insane with ridiculous tasks. It was you and its the you i miss so much now. I want to you to know that school is going well, i wish i was closer to mom, but i want you to know that it is fine. I hope your teaching Johnathon everything you ever taught me in life, to love life for what it is, the beauty it holds and most of all the beauty of the people around you. Dad you were and are and will always be a wonderful man, you and mom raised me right and i would like to say thank-you. As i said before, i cant wait to see you again, and i will one day, but until that times comes, i love you! i want a place beside you when i get up there, i am holding you too that. Love you girl with the golden pearl.
— Rochelle, January 30, 2008