Mary Whiteley
September 14, 2008

Miss Whiteley was my teacher in grade 5 at Cleveland elementary in B.C. She was the first to instruct me in art and, though i am now a scientist, nourished a love for art that persists to today. She made that year a special year and I will always remember her fondly. I was glad to be in touch over the last couple of years and sorry to hear of her passing. My condolences to the family.
— Laurie Kremsater, October 24, 2008As my grade 6 and 7 teacher in Holberg BC in the early 60’s, Mary was an inspiration. I will always remember her encouragement and how I enjoyed her classes. She was a wonderful educator. I am so sorry to see her pass away. My condolences to her family.
— Russ Ingram, September 17, 2008Our sympathies to Mary's family and friends. "Miss Whiteley" was the best teacher we ever had (Jim and Russell Ingram). It was so nice to reconnect with her five years ago. We'll miss her but have some great memories.
— Jim Ingram, September 17, 2008