Frederikus Wichers
October 8, 2013

Please know that you all are in our thoughts and prayers during this time of sorrow. May God comfort your hearts in the days to come. With much love, Stephen & Rosie
— Stephen & Rose Freeman, October 9, 2013Judy and family,Our thoughts and prayers are with you in these hard times.Sandy, Rob and kids
— Sandy Lethbridge, October 10, 2013Marnie and Fred's families - you are in my prayers and I can't help remember the wonderful memories Marnie that You and Fred and Roy and I had together. Always a memory never to be forgotten. Fred will be missed by his many friends and family.
— Isabel Primmer, October 10, 2013Our thoughts are with you. May God's strength be with you. Love, Han and Lianne Polling - Waninge
— han and lianne, October 10, 2013*We are very saddened to hear of your recent loss and would like to express our sincere condolences to you and your family.
— Murray & Donna Wilson, October 10, 2013I am saddened to hear of Fred's passing. I enjoyed working and talking with Fred at the Community Pantry. He was a kind soul,
— Marg Rapp, October 10, 2013We wish to express our deepest sympathy at this time of loss & grieving. Although grief is an unwanted gift it is in fact gratitude. We only grieve because we value and cherish the one we have lost. Embrace this gift and as the emotions unfold, you will be able to value your past life and recall the memories that capture the person Fred was in each of your lives.May your tears celebrate the love you hold in your hearts for him. May the healing process begin for each of you as God embraces you with His love and carries you through this time of sorrow & celebration.
— Don & Debbie Speers, October 11, 2013Dear family, We would like to convey our condolences to you on the death of "Uncle Rieks. Saturday we will be with you in mind. We wish you strength to cope with this loss. We hope that the knowledge that he is now with the Lord will strengthen you.
— Gerard en Ada Waninge, October 11, 2013Mrs. Marnie Wichers and all the Wichers family. We extend our heartfelt condolences to you in the passing away of brother Fred Wichers. May the fact that your husband and father, grandfather and great-grandfather is now with the Lord Jesus be your comfort. I (Henk) still remember that he received the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour in the livingroom of our home many years ago. May the Lord Bless you all. Henk and Alie Katerberg.
— Henk and Alie Katerberg, October 11, 2013Lieve familie, vandaag en de komende tijd zullen jullie speciaal in onze gedachten zijn, nu er afscheid wordt genomen van oom Rieks. Wij herinneren hem als een oom, die zijn eigen gang ging. En als een oom die in zijn leven heeft gedaan wat hij graag wilde. Hij heeft, voor zover wij dat kunnen inschatten, veel uit zijn leven gehaald. We zijn blij dat wij zijn gasten mochten zijn in 1982. Voor oom Rieks een hele invasie! Een gezin met 2 jonge kinderen 2 weken op bezoek hebben geeft veel gedoe. Gelukkig hielp Judy. (And Nikky) We zijn heel bij voor oom Rieks dat hij later Tante Marnie heeft ontmoet. Voor nu wensen we jullie troost toe; in jullie gebeden en bij elkaar. We wensen jullie toe dat de goeie herinneringen het zullen winnen van het verdriet om het gemis. Liefs, ook namens mam , Klaas en Hennie
— Hennie en Klaas Middelburg, October 12, 2013Wij wensen jullie heel veel kracht en troost toe nu jullie Vader,Schoonvader,en Opa is heengegaan.Hij is nu veilig in Jezus armen. Bij Hem is het goed. Heel veel sterkte Familie van ons. H.Gr. Fam.T.Dijkstra-Waninge.
— Tjalling en marrie [N.O.P. Ned., October 12, 2013Our deepest sympathy Fred, Nikki and family
— Ambrose and Brenda Brown, October 12, 2013