Joanne Marie Stewart
May 9, 2021

To make a donation in Joanne\'s memory, please make your cheque payable to "Upper Grand Learning Foundation" and mail/hand deliver to the England Funeral Home (294 Main Street South, P.O. Box 38, Mount Forest, ON N0G 2L0). Be sure to include your name, address and phone number on your cheque. In the memo section, indicate "In memory of Joanne Stewart".
Alternatively, you may donate online using a credit card. To do so, click on the "Donations" tab just under Joanne\'s photo. This is a two step process: Step 1 involves you filling in your information in order to notify the family of your donation. Once you click "Continue with Donation", a link will appear for the Upper Grand Learning Foundation. You will then enter your credit card information to make your payment. In the "Message for Upper Grand Learning" box, please be sure to indicate that the donation is to be directed to Victoria Cross Public School in memory of Joanne Stewart.
On behalf of Wellington Heights Secondary School, I would like to extend my most sincere condolences to the family of Joanne Stewart on her recent passing. We were very saddened to hear this news at the school, and wanted to extend our deepest sympathy. May the knowledge that others are thinking of you during this time bring you some comfort as you navigate this tremendous loss.
— Brent Bloch, May 19, 2021Grace & Josie Sorry to hear the passing of your Mom. She will always be in your heart.
— Brenda, May 17, 2021I just learned of Joanne’s passing. I am stunned and surprised to hear of her sudden passing. She was a devoted colleague of mine last year and she helped me tremendously in my first year of teaching grade one. She will be deeply missed.
— Brad Hope, May 16, 2021Grace & Josie I'm sorry to hear of your Mom's passing. She will always be in your heart.
— Brenda Hawkrigg, May 16, 2021Sorry for you loss. Thinking of you all at this time.
— Brad Hopkins, May 16, 2021When I think of a truly exemplary teacher I think of Joanne. Her classroom was a place of courtesy and kindness. Her voice was firm but loving. Her students were held to a high standard of mutual respect, considerate behaviour and academic excellence and she used all of her energy to help her students achieve these goals. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to work with her these many years. To her two lovely, creative, energetic daughters, your mom often shared stories of your challenges and triumphs, rest assured you are her pride and joy. I send love and sympathy to all of you as you grieve her passing. Angela Schenk
— Angela Schenk, May 14, 2021Both of us enjoyed our time in 4-H and Holstein activities with Joanne. She was warm, caring and a great team mate and competitor. Thinking of Sandy and Joannes husband, children and family at this difficult time. Brian and Shelley O’Neill and Family
— Brian and Shelley O’Neill, May 13, 2021I am so sorry to hear of Joanne passing . She was a great teacher and I have the honor of cutting your hair for some time . .to you daughter and husband you are all in my thought . You will be missed Kate Car ey and her Chikderen
— Kate Carney, May 13, 2021I am so sorry to hear of Joanne's passing. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Joanne and I went to JDSS together (along with Elaine (Wells) Harris and Melanie (Fisher) Grein who predeceased Joanne). We stayed in contact for many years after graduation but I regret that I lost touch with her. I will always remember her kindness and sincerity. She was a wonderful person and I'm happy and honored to have known her.
— Christine (Helwig) Kapteyn, May 13, 2021Thinking of you at this time. Joanne taught Lily when she was in grade two and Lily's sister, Kyla when she was here for three months. Kyla was so happy in her class.
— Marjorie Young & Lily Hedley, May 13, 2021My thoughts and prayers are with your whole family at this tragic loss. Grace and Josephine, I am thinking of the two of you especially, during this time of deep sadness. My very deepest sympathy. Donna McFarlane
— Donna McFarlane, May 12, 2021Sending our deepest sympathy to you all. Sincerely, Brian and Linda Hastie
— Brian and Linda Hastie, May 12, 2021Although I did not know Joanne, I know some of her family. I would like to offer my sincere condolences to all of you. May your memories of her bring you comfort at this most difficult time.
— Dorothy Wilhelm, May 12, 2021We are deeply saddened by the loss of this wonderful human being. She was a well respected colleague and an inspiration to all the kids she taught and her fellow teachers. She was truly a good person and has left a void in our school community. We were so thankful Shae got to have Mrs. Stewart as her Grade 1 teacher this year- and she still has her superhero picture hanging on her bedroom door-as a reminder and thanks to Mrs. Stewart for inspiring every child to be their best and that they have the power to do and be anything! Thinking of all her family and friends, Jay, Leah, Adrienne, Shae, Callum and Louie
— Jay and Leah, May 12, 2021