Mabel Howes
February 28, 2020

Sorry to read about the loss of your mom. It has been a rough year for you, and one I do not envy. Like our family, some of us are a pain, but they are there when we need them. Spring is coming and hopefully brighter days ahead. All the best. Larry & Carol Horton.
— Larry Horton, March 3, 2020Hey Larry & Lyme and families Sorry to hear about your mother. I understand she was still able to live on her own. I am sure you will miss her. Larry, you have had a difficult winter. Hang in there guy Brion & Sondra
— Brion & Sondra Cole, March 2, 2020Dear Lynne and Larry, we are very saddened to lose your Mom. She was a very special lady indeed but now she is in glory with her Saviour. We have Many great memories of her. Also we will pray for all of you to be comforted by the Lord Jesus. Much love to you all. Meg and Cyril
— Meg Pritty, February 29, 2020Our sincere sympathy to you, Larry and Lynn and your families on the passing of your Mother. We always enjoyed our visits with Mabel. She was so proud of her family and felt blessed to have you! Love, Ian and Ruth Howes
— Ian and Ruth Howes, February 29, 2020Larry,Lynn & families, please accept my sincere sympathy in the passing of your dear Mom. As a child, I was often at your Dad & Moms with my Dad, Lyle (Peggy) Neil. Your Dad & mine used to deal horses,cattle,etc. Your sweet Mom always took me in the house for milk & cookies. Then about 10 years when I was Marketing Manager at Birmingham Retirement sometimes your Mom came to visit friends and the odd time attended our Diners Club Friday for lunch & the entertainment. Please accept my sympathy & cherish the wonderful memories who no one can take away.
— Linda Sinclair, February 29, 2020