Harry Baker
August 13, 2008

We are all thinking of you at this time and know that the happy memories you have of your Dad and Grandpa will always be with you all. Love The Waud's
— , January 1, 2010Words, however kind, can't mend your heartache: , but those who care and , share your loss wish you, comfort and peace of mind., May you find strength, in the love of family, and in the warm embrace, of friends. Our Deepest Sympathy
— Mary Legacy and Harding Family, January 1, 2010I was sad to hear of Harry`s passing. I was at the Lions bingo at the time. It was through Lions where I first met Harry. He was very dedicated to Lions. Still coming to work at Bingo, in his eighties. I remember surprising him at a Lions Meeting with a birthday cake when he turned eighty. Our thoughts and prayers go to Mary and her family at this time. Bill & Diane Dineen
— Bill Dineen, August 16, 2008Harry was always a man to greet you with a smile. I don't ever think that there was a time that I saw him that he didn't have a great big hug for me. It gives me such a heavy heart to think that I'll never be able to feel that warm loving hug from Harry but the memories I have of him will lighten my heart forever. My deepest sympathies go to Mary and all of the family.
— Barbara Friesen (Barbie), August 18, 2008