Pat Chapman
April 10, 2008

Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. Always in my heart...until we see each ohter again...I love you xoxoxo
— Sheri Mary, June 25, 2012Three years have past and I think of you every day. Missing you dearly. Your Loving Son Jeff
— Jeff Chapman, April 10, 2011With our sincerest sympathies. Our thoughts are with you.
— , January 1, 2010Our condolences for your loss. Sending your family our best wishes in this time of need.
— , January 1, 2010Sorry for your loss. Sending your family our best wishes in this time of need.
— , January 1, 2010Our deepest sympathies to the family. To Jeff, Leonie and Girls we are thinking of you and hope to see you soon. Hayden and Carolyn
— Hayden and Carolyn, April 16, 2008Our deepest sympathies goes out To Auntie Jo & Family. Uncle Pat was a man with a big heart always showing genuine care for our family. May God bless you Uncle Pat, You are in our prayers and thoughts along with Grandma. Elaine+Nolan Dylan, Joclyne, Kristen
— Nolan+Elaine, Dylan,Joclyne,Kristen Chapman, April 16, 2008Dear Jo and Chapman Family Our hearts go out to you at this difficult time. We all loved Pat so much. He was a great friend. He will truly be missed. Love The Rakowsky Family
— , January 1, 2010Jo & Family, Jack and I were deeply saddened when we heard Pat had passed away. What a terrible loss of a brilliant mind and great sense of humor. Jo, please know our hearts are with you all at this time of loss. There are no words that will ease the pain, but know in your heart his pain is no more. I'm sure he's up there helping my Dad with some project or other, or even playing a game of cribbage by now!! Our prayers are with you and God Bless. Genie & Jack Risser
— Genie & Jack Risser, April 15, 2008Please accept our condolences to you and your family on the death of your father and grandfather. Cathy & Tom (Angie's Parents)
— Catherine & Tom Redmond, April 15, 2008Dear Jo and Family, my thoughts are with you in this time of loss. Pat was a true mentor and will be missed dearly. I often reflect back and know that he was a huge influence in becoming the person that I am today with his sharing of values and experiences not held by many. Steve
— Steve Jackson, January 1, 2010Pat and I had interesting times over many years discussing everything from business to world and local politics. His friendly charm and wit were special to us both, and we will miss him.
— Brian & Donna Padfield, August 29, 2012Dear Jeff, Leonie, Erin-Maree, Sophie and Chapman Family, Please accept our most heartfelt sympathies ... May looking back in memory help comfort you during this difficult time. Stephen, Lesa, Travis & Gabrielle
— Lesa Topp and Stephen Janusaitis, April 15, 2008Very Sorry to hear about Pat.He will be missed. Gladys Stubbs & Family
— , January 1, 2010My family and I were so sorry to hear about Pat.He was a great guy and he will be sadly missed by us all. Gladys Stubbs and Family
— Gladys Stubbs, April 14, 2008Richard and Ellen Riding are deeply saddened at the passing of Pat, a very kind and gentle man. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Jo and family. God bless you all.
— Richard & Ellen Riding, April 14, 2008Our thoughts are with you all. Happy memories, good friends and family will make it easier day by day.I'm sure my dad was awaiting his good friend to welcome him and they are together right now. All our love Julie and Francis Gordon
— Julie Gordon, April 14, 2008Jeff, Leonie and the girls. I wish to express my deepest sympathy on hearing of your Father's and Grandfather's passing. I know you have kept in contact with your father by talking 'online' often. This past ongoing communication I hope will help with your loss. Take care Jeff and Leonie Sincerly David Orton Work colleague of Jeff
— David Orton, April 13, 2008Dear Shauna, Michael and Family, I have just received this news about your father, Pat. I want to send my condolences to you all during this sad moment of your lives. I will call Michael tomorrow. Love you, Michael.
— Michael Khaw and Family, April 13, 2008Jo and Family, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Pat was truly a remarkable man and a good friend to me. He will truly be missed by all.
— Sheila Chapman, April 13, 2008Theres a big gap in the Chapman family now. I not only lost a brother, but a partner as well. Like an old world war 11 song goes: We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when Gerald and Aidee
— Gerald & Aidee Chapman, April 13, 2008Dear Jo, I know there are no words that we can say to help ease your pain. If there were we would have said them. Henry and I are terribly sorry for your great loss. Pat, you and your family will be in our continued prayers. Henry and Norma
— Norma Valdez, April 13, 2008Our condolences to my step-brothers, Bob and Jeff, my step-sisters, Trish and Shauna and to Jo. Pat touched our lives in many ways over the years and he will be missed greatly. One of the strongest men I ever met and I am proud to have known him. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Love Ang, John, Joy, Mike, Rob and Ryan Elkerton-Boudreau
— Angela Boudreau, April 13, 2008Jo, family, friends and associates. I was saddened to hear the news of Pats passing if its any comfort to you Jo I have fond memories of sitting reminiscing with Pat in Holstein and on the patio in Mount Forest I know he would get angry that his body could not keep up with his sharp, and bright intelligent brain, but we had fine discussions and many laughs. We fought and competed in the in the Seventies. I nearly worked for Pat in the Eighties We mellowed in the Nineties We became great friends in the Two thousands. I am sure you will hear he is in a better place Jo but he is not here enjoying one of your sandwiches, of which we shared a few. May God bless you and comfort you at this difficult time. Please stay in touch. Your friends Mike and Carolyn Kellie
— Mike and Carolyn Kellie, April 13, 2008Douglas & Sonja Caston extend their condolences to Pat's family. Pat was an old and dear friend, having grown up together in Edson,Alberta. We shared some special times together over the years and he will be sorrily missed.
— Douglas M. Caston, April 13, 2008Dear Jo, Our thoughts and prayers are with you Jo during this most difficult of times. Pat touched so many lives and each was richer for it. A man who worked hard, played hard and more than anything loved you and his extended family. He will be missed so much. Love Jim and Barb
— Jim and Barbara Riding, April 12, 2008We share your sorrow, and send our love.
— , January 1, 2010Our deepest condolences to Jo, Gordon, Gerald and all the Chapman family and friends. A gifted individual like Pat is so rare and we were blessed to know him and, for me, it was an honor to work with him very closely for so many years. Pat, wherever you are, you will always remain in our hearts. God Bless. Paul and Barbara
— Paul and Barbara Napeloni, April 12, 2008undefined A beautiful man. You have been since our young years, a true inspiration. Not only as a business mentor, to which, you have inspired us to be like mined entrepeneurs, but most importantly ...... You have always been, a mainstay in our lives. We grew up with your children, and you Mr. C, always made us feel like we were all connected....all of us, part of a bigger family.....You have always had such a positive impact on our lives. and Mr Chapman, we will never ever forget you!!! Much Love, Tammy, Annette and Penny Hitchcock
— Tammy Hitchcock, Annette Hitchcock, Penny Hitchcock, April 12, 2008The Leary family wish to extend our heartfelt condolences to Jo,Gearld,Gordon& Marlene and all the Chapman family's Bless you all. With Love Linda & Lawrence
— Linda & Lawrence Leary & Family, April 12, 2008Mary Jo and family of Pat. We share your heartfelt sorrow on the passing of brother Pat. Pat sustained his courage with a recent trip to San Carlos with Jo and said his goodbyes. He was truly a leader, honest, generous and caring. We just know he's up there writing policies and procedures. Gordon and Colaine
— Gordon and Colaine Chapman, April 11, 2008Uncle Pat has always held a special place in my heart and my life and always will. I will cherish the lessons I learned from him in my work and my home. It brings a great sense of pride to be a Chapman knowing what a great impact this man has made on so many lives. He will truly be missed and remembered by so many worldwide. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
— Geri Chapman-Knight and family, April 11, 2008Grandpa Pat was such a great and fun man to be around. I have so many memories on the farm with him and Nanna Jo that I will hold dear. Most of all, I will always feel blessed that Pat loved and treated me as one of the family. He always had a smile and a joke for the day. Sherilyn and I were always eager to hear his stories and we fell for them every time !! All my love to the family, JODY
— Jody, April 11, 2008Dear Jo and Family, Please know that Derrell and I will have you in our thoughts and prayers during this sad time. We know that no matter how painful the days might have been, it is so hard to lose someone you love. I am so glad we both got to visit the two of you and ride horses in the woods with Pat. When I spoke with Pat at Christmas, he said we'd meet again one day. See you then, Pat. Love, Carmen and Derrell.
— Carmen and Derrell Rogers, April 11, 2008We are truly saddened by the loss of such a wonderful man. We will always cherish the memories of Uncle Pat's loving smile and warm personality. It was so nice that whenever we talked to him he took a genuine interest in everything that our family was involved in. His kind generosity toward everyone is a perfect example of how we can affectionately remember him. It makes us laugh to know that Great Gramma is making him sit down for a card game right now. Rest in peace Uncle Pat, we will always hold you close to our hearts.
— Gord, Monica, Lauren, Jordyn, Alayna and Landon Schmidt, January 1, 2010uncle pat is a man who has touched so many people throughout his life. i will miss him greatly. but my warm and funny memories of him will last forever. everytime i step on a right of way, his memory will be with me.
— tom chapman, April 11, 2008you will be missed but not forgotten.Our heart goes out to Jo and family. Love you all
— norma &jim fletcher, April 11, 2008I am so terribly sorry for your profound loss. I wasn't fortunate enough to meet Pat but I do see he must have been an amazing man to have such wonderful children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. I know how hard this time can be for all of you and my thoughts and prayers are with you. You will carry him with you everyday in your hearts; until you meet again.
— Donna and Family, April 11, 2008Dear Jo I am very sorry for your loose. I know it has been tough for you these last couple of years. I know you miss him and may God fill that void within you. I will surely miss his laugh and that funny Canadian accent of his. I wish so bad that I could be there with my favorite aunt. Love you always Little Henry
— Henry Crider, April 20, 2008