Margaret Ferguson
April 2, 2012

My most sincere condolences to Dean and the family
— Velma Hart Past Grand Senior Preceptress of Canada, April 4, 2012All the officers and members of Queen Alexandra LOBA 470 wish to extend our sincere condolences to Dean and the children on the loss of Margaret. She was a really hard worker raising money for various causes over the years. She provided numerous lunches to grieving families and helped organize fund raising dinners. She helped run bingos and euchres at Campbell's Cross hall north of Brampton and so many other things. She was the Immediate Past Grand Senior Preceptress of the Crystal Chapter of Canada, a Past County Mistress of Peel County, a past Worthy Mistress of our lodge, and an Honorary Member of the Right Worshipful Grand Ladies Orange Benevolent Association of Ontario West. We will miss her humour and her compassion. She was a dear friend to so many sisters in our lodges. Betty Barr, Worthy Mistress, Queen Alexandra LOBA no. 470, Brampton
— Elizabeth (Betty) Barr, April 4, 2012My I express my sympathy to Dean Ferguson and Family on their loss.
— Kurt Fischer, April 4, 2012To Dean and Family, Just to let you know that we are thinking of you in your time of sorrow. Kelly, Reilly and Meaghan
— Kelly Glynn, April 3, 2012