Steven Foster
January 6, 2007

Mr.and Mrs.Foster and family,I am deeply sorry to hear that Steve has lost his battle with cancer.He was such a great man and we use to have a blast together.The last time I spoke with him was ThanksGiving of 2006,while he was in the hospital and even through he was in great pain,I could still hear the warmth of his voice coming through and his will to go on.He never gave up and I knew he would fight with his last breath.I believe he is now in heaven waiting for all of his family and friends to join him one day and he is watching over us all.I thank God that he had you his family there for him while he went through this terrible sickness in his life.Steve loved you all very much and I know he got his sense of willpower from his parents so knowing that I know you both will be okay too.Once again my heart goes out to you,Steve will be sadly missed by everyone that knew him and I will miss him so very much.My thoughts and prayers go out to you at this very sad time.
— Debbie Simpson, January 1, 2010My deepest sympathy to your family. Steve was always a very nice person to talk to. I first met him in the Hospital and my husband, Ron Hunter was a patient in the same room. My husband passed away at home on Dec 13th and he is sorely missed. I am glad that I got to know you and some of your family.....my thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.
— Mary J. Hunter, January 1, 2010Dear Gail, Doug and Family, When tradegy like this strikes we are all to reminded that we are not invincible and that any one of us is subject to many of life's uncontrollable events. Altough it is a difficult time, it is also a time that we are surrounded by people whose lives Steven had an impact on and we can take comfort in knowing he has left a legacy and has influenced so many lives in a positive way. I am truly sorry for your loss and just know that he is not suffering any longer and has gone to a better place to watch over you until we all meet again.
— Chris Near, January 1, 2010Dear Doug, Gail and Family. Our deepest sympathy goes to you with our love and prayers. Steven will be missed by many people. Family and friends are so important even more in times like theses. Just know that we are here for you always. Ken and Elaine
— Ken Gurak and Elaine Martin, January 1, 2010I am so to know that steven has passed. Although i never knew steven well, i knew very many different stories told from my mom about him. From all I know steven was kind to those around him and one thing was he didnt want to die, but a terrbile disease took over his body and trapped him. Steven fought and fought just like my father did.Even though he was given less then a year to live, steven overcame the doctors predictions andlived twice as long as they thought from as his will power. Aunty ail and Uncle Doug, I only hope these words will help u with your loss of your son. Spend as much time as u can with friends and family, its the best way to cope. But all we do for sure now is steven is in no more pain and suffering, and is now looking over us.......Waiting.
— Bradley Near, January 1, 2010I am so sorry for your lose . Know words will relieve the pain you fill when you think of him . I like to believe that he is no longer suffering and is now with Rick and other loved ones . They are watching and waiting to see us when our time comes . I will keep you and your Family in my prayers and in my heart . Love Denis
— Denis Racine, January 1, 2010Dear Gail, Doug and family, myy heart goes out to you and everything you have been thru. I cannot even imagine what you are really going thru at this time. To lose a parent is devastating but to lose a child, the pain must be unimaginable. However, I know you are strong and will get thru this. Steven was such a fun loving person and so full of life. He knew how to enjoy himself and those around him. He will be missed by many, many people, especially those who loved him so much. I hope to be there on Saturday, but still don,t know if I can. If no, I will be thinking of you all and Steven and remembering him as he was. Lots of Love and hang in there! Very much love, Cathy and Pete.
— Cathy Wissenz, January 1, 2010Dear Gail & Doug: I am so sorry to hear about Steve. Steve was a guest at my wedding in June 1996. Although I didn't know Steve well, I heard a lot about him through my brother Donnie. Donnie always talked about Steve and how generous he was and how he would do anything for other people. In my brief discussions with Steve, I remember him being a very kind, thoughtful and gentle person. I have thought a lot about Steve over the last while and I still have a hard time accepting what has happened to him. My thoughts are with you at this very painful time. Thankfully, time does bring healing. If there is anything I can do, please don't hesitate to ask. Take care, Michelle Poirier (Donnie's sister)
— Michelle Poirier, January 1, 2010