Edward Goulding
February 18, 2013

Through the eyes of a grand child, a grandparent is someone who is larger than life. Strong, wise, understanding and gentle. Grandad was all of those things for me. A Mentor in my youth and a friend in adulthood. He will be continue to be in my thoughts always.
— Deborah Goulding, February 23, 2013I was truly sorry to read about Pete's passing. I still remember how (Uncle)Pete taught me how to fish up at 12 Mile Bay. I have many fond memories of Pete, fishing, puttering around the cottage usually with a dog in tow. My thoughts are with the Goulding family
— Bruce Cutts, February 22, 2013I was very sorry to read in the Toronto Star of the passing of Peter Goulding. It was every Rememberance Day I would look forward to chatting with Peter at the Army Navy Branch where he was a faithful member. We would reflect on old times, especially on the subject of young Pete's garage on Trethewey Drive. I know he will be greatly missed by his loving family and friends who cherished his quiet dignity and goodness. My family and I extend our heartfelt condolences to Peter's family. Alan Tonks
— Alan Tonks, February 21, 2013