George Matthews
September 6, 2013

Thinking of you all in the loss of your Dad and Gradfather. I have so many memories of both your sweet parents from my childhood. I pray love and peace hold you all close as you move through your grief.
— Amy and Aaron Holrrough, September 10, 2013So to hear of the passing of your dad. I remember him to be kind and smiling:) My your memories of your father bring you comfort and joy.
— Bill and Kathy Innes, September 10, 2013Sorry to hear about Uncle George's passing. Regrettably, we are unable to express our sympathy to you person. Please know all of you are in our thoughts and prayers. May God grant you extra measures of His Love for the days ahead as you mourn his passing. Gerald and Mary (Matthews) Golem Chesley
— Gerald and Mary (Matthews) Golem, September 9, 2013Anita & Wayne Matthews and family. Though words cannot express the thoughts the heart would like to say, still may you know that others care and sympathize today with you and your family.
— Donna Dietrich, September 9, 2013May God's comfort and love be very close to all of you. Although we have not met Mr. Matthews in person, his love for God, for his family and those around him has inspired us. He continues to live in our loving and fond memories. May God shower His blessings upon you. We wish to express our heart-felt condolences from our family.
— Stephen & Minnie Sham & Family, September 8, 2013To the Matthew family, You all have my condolence of the passing of a wonderful Christian Father, Grandfather and the many families to numerous to mention he touched in his lifetime. Your Father and Mother were such good friends over the years to me. I'm sure your Dad will be missed by all. God Bless as you go through this grieving time. Love and sincerely Isabel (Black) Primmer
— Isabel Primmer, September 8, 2013Dear Margaret, Ruth Ann and families, my sincerest condolences on the loss of your father. Gone but never forgotten, cherish all the memories as you will have those forever.
— Melissa Gissing ne Patterson, September 7, 2013